Hong Kong Institute of Environmentalists Macau Chapter 2024
President's Message

Dear all members,
I am honored to address you as the new President of the Macau Chapter of HKIOE for 2024. Our organization has a rich history of dedication to environmental conservation and sustainable development, and I am committed to continuing this important work.
Thanks to your unwavering support, we have made significant strides in organizing impactful courses, advancing sustainable practices, and inspiring young environmentalists in our schools.
In 2024, our mission remains clear: to safeguard our environment and promote sustainability. We will focus on innovative solutions to environmental challenges, enhance our training programs, and foster greater community engagement. Additionally, we will continue to prioritize the "Young Environmentalists" program, nurturing the next generation of environmental stewards.
Your support and active participation are invaluable. Together, we can continue to make meaningful contributions to environmental protection and sustainable development.
Thank you for your continuous support. I wish you and your families good health and happiness in the year ahead.
Best regards,
Samuel Tang
President, HKIOE Macau Chapter
Name of Event:
熱烈祝賀香港環境師學會澳門分會2024年度就職典禮完滿成功!感謝總會會長何忠明博士,榮譽會長葉仁傑博士、教授,珠海分會會長蕭耀權,柬埔寨分會會長梁文傲,澳門分會新任會長鄧俊彥,澳門分會新任副會長梁銘光,澳門建築師協會代表Kelvin ,榮譽顧問陳錫僑教授,澳門工程施工主管協會副會長許偉雄,環保大使何恩澤以及委員胡耀宗等。
Date : 22rd March, 2024
Visited the Project:2021 MIECF
Date : 13th July, 2021

Visited the Project:氣候變化環保講座
Date : 17th January 2019

Visited the Project:香港環境師學會澳門分會就職禮
Date : 2nd January 2019
Lee Hing Lim, Henry
President |
Wong Tak Yin, Joe
Vice President |
Fok Chong Mun, Philips
Vice President |
Siu Yiu Kuen, Peter
Vice President |
Ho Kin Ian
Committee |
Cheung Kwok Chung, Louis
Committee |
Cheung Hon Yiu, Danny
Honorary President |
Leong Lam Chong
Honorary President |
Ho Kim Ming, Jorge
Honorary President |
Ip Yun Kit, Perry
Honorary President |
Thomas LUONG
Honorary Consultant |
Pun Mei Kei, Maggie
Voluntary Secretary |