Hong Kong Institute of Environmentalists Cambodia Chapter 2024 President's Message
Dear All members,
Congratulations! This is a significant year celebrating an important service anniversary with Hong Kong Institute of Environmentalists.
As you reach this 14 years of service milestone in your career with HKIOE, it is with great pride that we present your service. Participate in HKIOE's Annual Conferences, attend district events and participate in Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities. Members contribute in many ways through a range of projects and participating on district teams and strategy groups.
Please be ready to tell your story to anyone who shows interest in SD – not just professional assessment but all things to do with environmental protection, and almost everyone has an interest in sustainable development. I am look forward to meeting you at future events and volunteer activities.
I wish each of you every success in your professional career.
Thank you for all that you do and please accept our good wishes on the anniversary of HKIOE.
Man, M N Leung
BSc(Hons), MEng, FCABE, C.Build E, CEng, MCIOB MHKEnv, REnv, CEnv , CSDP, MIIRSM
HKIOE Cambodia Chapter Congratulations on 10th Anniversary

Visited the Project:
HKIOE Founder Dr. Tommy Ho, Founding Secretary Natalia Wong, Honorary President Dr. Perry Ip and some enviornmental ambassadors and the Cambodia Chapter President Mr Man Leung and committee visited the Association of Chinese Investors in Cambodia and met with the Chairman H.E. Dr. Heng Vuthy
Date : 3rd December 2019
Visited the Project:
成立柬埔寨分會並正式頒發委任証書予柬埔寨分會會長梁文傲先生,創會會長、各分會會長和會員前往柬埔寨項目考察。感謝金鏗集團支持帶領考察全球第五大毛衣加工廠,低碳環保節排加工生產基地介紹,感謝柬埔寨房產發展商 Urban Hub (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. CFO Mr. Ben Li & CMO Ms. Catherine Chan加入環境師學會公司會員,解說項目綠色建築理念和對當地可持續發展支持。
Date : March 2019
Visited the Project:
到訪柬埔寨工程師學會、Norton University & Build Bright University洽談環境師交流合作。
Date : 10th July 2019
Visited the Project:
Date : 5th May 2019